Blog Post

Will Justice Prevail?

  • By Kimberly Perry
  • 13 Feb, 2022

Epstein and Maxwell Trials Tip of the Iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg?

Whether it’s called “Pedophile Island” or “Orgy Island” the convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein, was facing up to 45 years in jail for serial sexual abuse of minors, although he died in his cell. His private jet is known as the “Lolita Express.” Lolita means a young girl who is sexually alluring, has a very sexual appearance or behaves in a sexual way, however children – aka a young girl - cannot give consent. The word itself is criminal. During his trial, the pilot provided flight logs to “Little St. Jeffs Island” at the US Virgin Islands property, for around 1000 flights listing the names of celebrities, politicians, supermodels, and the elite, but it was highly redacted. Why is this? Did justice prevail? (First look at Jeffrey Epstein inside his 'Pedophile Island' lair -

His girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, recently went through a trial. The jury in a New York federal court found her guilty on five of six counts related to her role in Jeffrey Epstein's sexual abuse of minor girls between 1994 and 2004. She was procuring underage girls to be sexually abused by the financier Jeffrey and others. Meanwhile, her defense is trying to declare a mistrial and avoid the upcoming 65 years of jail time to be determined this June...but we shall see. Maxwell’s infamous little black book including around 2000 high profile names remains sealed. Why is this? Has justice fully prevailed? (Ghislaine Maxwell trial: Jury finds she sex trafficked a minor for Jeffrey Epstein, guilty on five of six counts - CNN and Ghislaine Maxwell’s little black book sealed by court | The Post Millennial

I also wonder how much of this heinous and illegal Epstein-Maxwell enterprise was a lucrative and powerful world-wide blackmailing business? Or shall I say still is or may be? Time may tell…

How can we end child sex trafficking if we do not #stop the demand? Without revealing the redacted names on the Lolita Express and opening the sealed documents in the little black book for investigation and prosecution of the buyers, the trafficking abusers will remain hiding in the dark while this "business" grows world-wide. How long will trafficking continue to explode exponentially because of these cover-ups?

Super Bowl Trafficking 

Does the above example seem too high affluent and far removed from our lives? Let's try another example closer to home and televised into our homes. The Super Bowl has become one the largest human sex trafficking events in our nation. National Center on Sexual Exploitation says:

“The Super Bowl and other large sporting events have become synonymous with sex trafficking, given that the conditions surrounding the event are conducive to increased exploitation and trafficking, particularly of minors.

Major events like the Super Bowl attract thousands of people to a “hotspot” where trafficked girls and women are coerced by pimps to sell and meet the demands of these visitors (i.e. perpetrators), mostly men.”

Dr. Stephany Powell, NCOSE Director of Law Enforcement Training and Survivors Services, highlights this:

“There may be difficulty of talking about human trafficking without really talking about ‘the elephant in the room’— the demand.  The bottom line is that demand fuels the illegal sex trade. On average, U.S. sex buyers spend more than a hundred dollars per transaction.  I want it to be understood that behind every trafficker there is a buyer. Curbing demand is the way to prevent sex trafficking.” (

And Tim Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad, does extractions to rescue kids - here is his interview with Fox News about the Super Bowl -

This IS happening in the USA - Our Own Backyards

According to Polaris Project, there are 25 million people trafficked worldwide. Freedom United says it is around 40 million – 70% labor and 30% sex – which generates an estimated $150 billion a year in illegal profits making it the 2nd largest international crime. Either way, 25 to 40 million is an ENORMOUS amount of people enslaved in this evil.

 U.S. law defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor against their will. The Action-Means-Purpose (AMP) Model can be helpful in understanding the federal law. Human trafficking occurs when a perpetrator, often referred to as a trafficker, takes an Action, and then employs the Means of force, fraud or coercion for the Purpose of compelling the victim to provide commercial sex acts or labor or services. At a minimum, one element from each column must be present to establish a potential situation of human trafficking.

Essentially, human trafficking is exploiting a person often by recruiting, coercion, abduction against their will. Bonded labor is when someone is coerced into working but it’s a loan or debt that needs to paid off. Forced labor is making people work against their will. Child slavery is forcing a child into physical labor, domestic or sex slavery. The live-in migrant is isolated from protections in a regular workplace. Other examples include forced marriage, child slavery, human trafficking, domestic slavery, and products of slavery (Freedom United).

"The United States is again ranked as one of the worst countries in the world for human trafficking. According to a recently released report by the State Department, the top three nations of origin for victims of human trafficking in 2018 were the United States, Mexico and the Philippines." ( In 2020, 10,583 situations of human trafficking were reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline involving 16,658 individual victims. Shocking as these numbers are, they are likely only a fraction of the actual problem. Map below has locations of human trafficking situations in the United States in 2020 (Polaris Project). As you can see, child and human trafficking is happening in our own backyard! Simply search your county or state to find out your "report card" on child sex trafficking or human trafficking in general and you will see how close this impacts every one of us, hiding in plain sight.

Some human trafficking myths include:

Myth: Human trafficking is always or usually a violent crime.

Fact: Most traffickers use psychological means like tricking, defrauding, manipulating or threatening victims, often hiding in plain site.

Myth: All human trafficking involves sex.

Fact: Labor trafficking is more prevalent world-wide.

Myth: Only women and girls can be victims and survivors of sex trafficking.

Fact: Males, including young men and boys are trafficked and vulnerable as well.

Myth: Traffickers target victims they don’t know.

Fact: Many survivors have been trafficked by family members, spouses, parent and romantic partners.

Myth: Human trafficking only happens in illegal or underground industries.

Fact: Some industries with reported human trafficking include restaurants, cleaning services, factories, construction and more.

Myth: Human trafficking involves moving, traveling or transporting a person across state or national borders.

Fact: Smuggling involves crossing borders illegally, although survivors can be trafficked in their home towns and homes.

Myth: If the trafficked person consented to be in their initial situation, then it cannot be human trafficking or against their will because they “knew better.”

Fact: Initial consent or payment does not change the fact trafficking is a crime (as many are coerced, drugged, blackmailed, etc.)

Myth: People being trafficked are physically unable to leave their situations/locked in/held against their will.

Fact: Some victims stay for complex reasons, lack a way out, fear for their life/others and are so highly manipulated from being broken by traffickers.

(Polaris Project)

Join the Good Fight

There are around 2000 Anti-human trafficking organizations world-wide. One way to help is find a local organization to support with your time, money, resources, skills or prayers. I do recommend taking a deep dive into the orgs finances regarding what every dollar supports. And, do they have any accusations/investigations of using a fake anti-trafficking front to hide their actual trafficking business (another level of evil, I know)?

One organization doing amazing work is USIAHT. Here is their plea:

“We just had the Super Bowl in Los Angeles. And you know what grieves me? We just had the Super Bowl in Los Angeles.
And you know what grieves me? While America partied and enjoyed a halftime show, thousands of human trafficking victims were exploited this past weekend.

At the 2021 Super Bowl in Tampa, our partner It’s A Penalty saw a staggering impact: 146 arrests were made, 6 victims were recovered, and 18 missing children were identified. During the 2020 Super Bowl in Miami, 47 traffickers were arrested, 22 victims were found and assisted. And there was a 163% increase in human trafficking reports to the national hotline.

Collaborative efforts have proven effective in helping free victims from trafficking. Will you help our boots-on-the-ground efforts that will continue in Los Angeles beyond game day? Help Fight Human Trafficking Today (

Stopping Exploitation in all its Forms

All exploitation must end, whether it's child sexual abuse, child sexual abuse images (e.g. "child porn") and/or child sex trafficking - since they are all inter-connected. Many "porn stars" are exploited in their vulnerabilities with traumatic backgrounds and so the cycle continues with every click, and the porn industry gets richer. I pray that one day an army of people will rise up against all forms of exploitation even more so than any efforts put toward the next big sporting game, another vacation, scrolling through social media, or researching the next best movie (albeit none of these things are wrong and can be an outlet for much needed rest). Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s quote includes all people saying “The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.” Additionally, I ask all of us, "what kind of world do we want to live in now? Are we not called to love and protect every child and not simply our own?" 

You may have heard the phrase "speed of the leader, speed of the pack." If some or many of the elite leaders, politicians, celebrities, supermodels, clergy, secret societies, governments and churches are leading the way by hiding and fueling exploitation, then what are the actual numbers across the world from their followers covering up or joining in as well? Exponential, I fear since in India, they have child brides, in the middle east, they abuse boys on the street and shockingly, legalized incest still exists in various countries world-wide, to name a few. Another firsthand example is my mom was a lay counselor in the church for about 20 years and my parents supported missionaries in Brazil who were pastors to the pastors there. According to the missionaries' experiences, child sexual abuse runs rampant in the culture (if the wife is not feeling well for intimacy, etc. the husband will abuse the daughter instead). 

Every child is a gift from God to all of us, yet the horrific abuse and commodification of babies, children and teens runs rampant. May this army of light and love rise up against child sexual abuse soon! Let us begin with the basic boundaries for kids and build a foundation by reading or sharing a Say "NO!" and TELL! book. Either you teach your kids healthy body/mind boundaries or the pornified world's messaging/Internet/others will teach them. Abuse and exploitations are no respecter of persons or socioeconomic status, especially because the prevalence of technology devices connected to the Internet in the hands of young people make almost all of our youth accessible to highly skilled predators pursuing them. One of my deepest concerns from when I began researching to write my books in January of 2015, is certain our nation (beginning with certain states) lowering the age of consent...normalizing pedophilia. Have you looked up the legal age to marry in your state/all states lately? The Kinsey Institute claims that babies are sexual at birth and have tested as much - ABUSE! Keep an eye on the concept of the re-branded “Minors Attracted Persons” - a very slippery slope indeed, in my opinion (

I tried to add many links to this blog from various vantage points as we attempt to set aside political views, so you can read for yourself. It is not always easy finding true facts. Please do research more of this on your own using the Duck Duck Go search engine, which seems to censor less.

P.S. Why is Facebook rejecting my ad to boost this post which simply says NEW BLOG - Will Justice Prevail? ... and many others? Would you consider posting this blog to your Facebook page to help inform others...and protect more kids?

By Kimberly Perry 13 Dec, 2023

How does body safety and choosing healthy foods with kids connect? Well, we can practice decision-making, wellness, self-care affirmative feedback and positive body image as it relates to food to name a few, which can lay the foundation for teaching body safety. Because, when we consider our personal nutrition and relationship with food, we connect to our bodies. Supporting children in growing healthy self- images with nutrition, as an example, teaches them self-care - they learn their hearts, minds and bodies are worth it!

Plus, I like to strengthen the content with a variety of other supportive topics beyond body safety, yet so closely related such as self-care.

Check out guest blog by Anya Willis @

Nurture Your Children Toward Healthier Choices

Navigating the myriad of lifestyle choices in today's world can be overwhelming, particularly for children. Thus, it's crucial for parents to step in and guide their youngsters toward making healthier decisions. While it’s not always easy, there are several things you can do to make the process fun for your little ones. This article offers a comprehensive set of advice and resources that can assist parents in instilling healthy habits in their children. Let's get started.

Involving Kids in Decision-Making

Involving children in meal planning and grocery shopping can greatly enhance their interest in healthier eating. Giving them a voice in food choices fosters a sense of ownership and encourages them to be open to nutritional options. One effective method is to collaboratively create a shopping list, or you might allow them to help you cook dinner. Another strategy is to allow them to pick out a new fruit or vegetable each week as a way to diversify their palate. These practices not only make children more receptive to healthy foods but also provide valuable learning experiences.

Incorporate Nutritious Foods

Mealtime offers a prime opportunity to enrich a child's diet with nutritious ingredients. Innovative approaches, like blending vegetables into smoothies or adding them to homemade muffins, can make the transition to healthy eating more enjoyable. The goal is to seamlessly weave nutrition into familiar foods , making it less of a chore for children to eat healthily. This creative incorporation aids in acclimating children to better eating practices without compromising on taste.

Encourage Regular Physical Exercise

Physical activity is vital for a child’s overall well-being. Family walks can be a fun and practical way to instill the habit of regular exercise. Moreover, if your neighborhood isn't pedestrian-friendly, look for an area with a high Walk Score of 70 or above to get your daily steps in. Such areas are generally safer and more conducive to walking, making it easier for your family to maintain an active lifestyle.

Foster a Positive Body Image

Media exposure can strongly influence children's views on body image, frequently presenting unattainable standards. Initiating conversations with your children about these media portrayals can help debunk myths about ideal body types. The emphasis should shift from chasing unrealistic images to adopting a balanced, healthy lifestyle. This approach aids in cultivating a positive body image and a healthier self-perception in children.

Ignite Their Interests

Each child has distinct interests that can significantly impact their well-being when explored. Identifying an activity that aligns with your child's passions can imbue them with a sense of purpose. Participation in extracurricular activities, whether it's art, sports, or technology , can enhance their social skills and offer alternative avenues for physical or mental engagement. This focused involvement can be instrumental in promoting a balanced, fulfilling lifestyle for your child.

Utilize Affirmative Feedback

Positive feedback is crucial for children, as it often serves as motivation to continue making good choices. When coming from trusted adults, this affirmation can be especially impactful. Commending your child for making healthy choices, such as choosing fruit over candy or practicing a new skill, encourages better decision-making. This cycle of affirmation and improved behavior reinforces the importance of positive reinforcement in a child's development.

Guiding children to make healthier choices is a long-term commitment that demands both patience and resourcefulness. However, by utilizing the practical tips and methods outlined above, you’re well on your way to setting them up for a future of wellbeing. Foster their interest in nutrition, encourage physical activities, engage them in dialogues about body image, help them find activities they love, and use affirmation as a powerful motivational tool. This balanced approach will enable you to lead your children down the path to a fulfilling, healthy life.

Have a question for the team at We Stand Guard ? Reach out today.

By Kimberly Perry 22 Sep, 2023
What about the problem of sexting leading to sextortion leading to sex trafficking progression? Possibly, much to chagrin of many people recently watching the Sound of Freedom movie, these very real risks do not only happen overseas or far flung parts of the Earth. Sadly, the USA runs rampant with these atrocities, often leading the way in the consumption of it all.
By Kimberly Perry 05 Sep, 2023

What challenges or gaps are you facing as the kids are growing up, which brings change as they transition from childhood to tweeners and teenagers.

In addition to last month's blog on A Look at Self-Care Activities for Kids , here is an interesting look at your own self-care, especially during transitions with kids growing up. In fact, I visited my triplet nephews this past Labor Day weekend and my brother and I were cracking up since their PJ bottoms were like crop pants - they have grown taller as they begin middle school! Surprise!!!

As a follow up to last month, check out Anya Willis' Part 2 guest blog on self-care (see more at ).  

Life is a roller coaster of changes, from new jobs and relationships to relocations and even crises. As disorienting as these major life transitions can be, they also offer a unique opportunity to reboot your habits and improve your overall well-being. Today, we will provide you with strategies to embrace these transformations and convert life's challenges into stepping stones for a better you, 

Turning Anxiety into Calm

It's natural for stress levels to peak during transitions. However, these moments provide a chance to develop effective stress-management strategies. Start with acknowledging the stressors. Once you identify them, use mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation, to mitigate their impact. Incorporating physical activity can also make a significant difference. Exercise releases endorphins, which naturally reduces stress. So, the next time you find yourself overwhelmed, remember to take a step back and focus on your well-being.

Go Back to School

Returning to school is one of the best ways to revitalize your life and open doors in terms of a future career. There are plenty of options out there, as well. For instance, if you’ve ever thought about pursuing an online bachelor's degree in nursing , now is the time. Online nurses are in high demand, and if you’re open to the flexibility that comes with internet-based learning platforms, you can work toward your degree on your own schedule, from the comfort of your own home.

From Concept to Logo

Major life transitions can also offer the ideal moment to venture into entrepreneurship. Begin with research. Understand your target market, potential challenges, and financial requirements. Once you have a comprehensive plan, move to the execution phase. When it comes to establishing a brand identity , create a memorable image using free online logo makers. These platforms offer an array of customizable designs to give your business a professional edge, and a well-designed logo can do wonders for brand recognition.

Fostering Consistency

Adjusting to a new chapter in life often requires a revamped routine. Consistency is the cornerstone of habit formation , and the best way to ensure this is by designing a daily routine that aligns with your newfound goals. This can be anything from a workout schedule to set times for personal and professional growth. Not only does this help in maintaining a balanced life, but it also solidifies the positive changes you aim to make.

Legal and Financial Control through an LLC

If you opt for the entrepreneurial route, forming an LLC ( limited liability company ) is crucial. This legal structure provides personal liability protection and offers several tax benefits. It signifies a critical step towards becoming your own boss, putting you in control of your business and, by extension, your destiny. Consider consulting professionals to help you navigate the complexities of forming an LLC.

Balance Your Caffeine Intake

For many, caffeine is a daily necessity. However, it's easy to go overboard, especially during stressful periods. If you must drink caffeine, take the time to learn more about the different coffee drinks available. Whether it's opting for a lighter roast or mixing in decaf, these choices can help you maintain energy levels without sacrificing sleep quality.

Improve Your Social Circle

Relationships play a crucial role during transitional phases. This is an ideal time to assess your social circle and make necessary adjustments. If certain relationships are toxic, it’s time to distance yourself. Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive individuals can significantly boost your emotional and psychological well-being.

Repair Your Credit

Transitions often have financial implications. Use this time to review your credit report and take steps to fix any inconsistencies or debts. By managing your finances effectively, you lessen stress and lay the foundation for a stable future.

Goals with a Purpose: Mapping Your Journey

Setting clearly defined goals that resonate with your core values is fundamental. They act as a roadmap, guiding you through challenges and keeping you centered. A detailed, step-by-step plan can greatly assist in achieving these goals, and the focus it brings can be an invaluable asset.

The experience of undergoing a significant life transition can be exhilarating, daunting, and enriching all at once. Embracing these transitional phases with purposeful strategies can redefine challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth. By applying the practices highlighted in this article, you're poised to emerge stronger, more empowered, and ready to seize future opportunities with aplomb.

By Kimberly Perry 18 Aug, 2023
Self-care for everyone!
By Kimberly Perry 22 Jul, 2023
Healthy tech habits for everyone!
By Kimberly Perry 26 May, 2023
What ages are kids being exposed to porn? When to start talking about porn with kids. How to define porn for kids and why definitions are important. Practicing what to do (firedrill technique) How do we get their "buy in? How do we get kids to want to make the right choices? Healthy Screen Habit
By Kimberly Perry 09 May, 2023
Preventing child trafficking is possible.
By Kimberly Perry 17 Mar, 2023
Learn to spot a child groomer and how to protect children.
By Kimberly Perry 01 Dec, 2022
It looks like my November 2022 article titled Some Call it Child P*rnography (rather than CSAM) foreshadowed things to come, unfortunately, per current news about Balenciaga's outrageously wicked "photoshoots" of very young children with BDSM accessories plush bears.
By Kimberly Perry 04 Nov, 2022
Kids cannot consent!

This month is NO PORN NOVEMBER. When you hear reports of pornography's abuse, the law and media may use various terminology to describe the victim of "child pornography" mixed up in prostitution by naming a "young lady" rather than accurately reflecting the actual age by saying a girl, child or minor.

However, there is no such thing as “child pornography” which seems to imply consent - children/minors cannot give consent! Images with any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (a person less than 18 years old) is specifically called child sexual abuse material or CSAM according to experts in the field.

Nevertheless, pornography of any aged person is sexual exploitation for allsince very often, the acts are real abuse of the women (including children, teens and men) and other “performers” because the industry preys on the vulnerable and eviscerates human dignity.It's a predatory industry since they know pornography can be like a drug with an addictive nature (feels like you cannot stop even if you want to), which changes and harms the brain for buyers and consumers. 

Did you know that 27% of older millennials say they started viewing porn before puberty ( Josh McDowell, The Porn Phenomenon )? In fact, exposing or showing pornography to a child/minor is an example of non-physical contact child sexual abuse, in which abusers may use for grooming kids and teens to normalize abuse. It is not a matter of if but when a child will most likely see pornography and be traumatized (some say average age is 8 yrs). Also, pornographic images of vulnerable men, women, teens and children through coercion or exchange of sexual acts for goods and services is known as sex trafficking.

Furthermore, according to The National Center on Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) , the CyberTipline has received over 82 million reports, reviewed over 322 million images/videos and identified over 19,000 victims of CSAM   - how can this be?! NCMEC says:

"United States federal law defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (a person less than 18 years old). Outside of the legal system, NCMEC chooses to refer to these images as Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) to most accurately reflect what is depicted – the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Not only do these images and videos document victims’ exploitation and abuse, but when these files are shared across the internet, child victims suffer re-victimization each time the image of their sexual abuse is viewed."

How is it usually detected?

The usual way to detect CSAM is when cloud services like Google Photos scan uploaded photos and compare them against a database of known CSAM images. This database is provided by NCMEC and similar organizations around the world. The actual matching process uses what’s known as a hash, or digital fingerprint. This is derived from key elements of the image, and is deliberately fuzzy so that it will continue to work when images are resized, cropped, or otherwise processed.  So, with this process in place,   why is CSAM still happening all over the Internet?

What else are tech companies doing to stop this atrocity on line?

What can we do to dismantle this multi-billion dollar global industry? 
An article  published by business news site, Quartz, tends to agree. The article places the industry’s value at anywhere between $6 billion and $97 billion, with the more realistic estimates ranging from $6 billion to $15 billion (Fight the New Drug blog).

Who are the buyers and consumers of CSAM?

How can you be a voice to free an enslaved child?
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